CoolSculpting® Procedure
If after countless kale smoothies and gym visits, those fat bulges on your stomach, thighs, or upper arms just won’t reduce naturally, don’t give up! It’s not necessarily your fault; genetics also play a big role. Only now there is a solution in addition to liposuction or plastic surgery of any kind. CoolSculpting® is a clinically proven, non-invasive fat removal procedure that uses the science of cryolipolysis to freeze away stubborn body fat safely, comfortably, and without scarring or downtime.

Gainesville Dermatology Aesthetic Center is a CoolSculpting® Certified Practice, We are the area experts on body contouring technology and offer the latest CoolAdvantage® applicator, a CoolSculpting® machine that creates amazing results with shorter sessions and greater comfort — all you do is lay back, relax, and let the applicator do the work. So, are you ready to achieve a visibly firmer, more toned figure? Speak with one of our dermatologists in Gainesville, FL, today!